Title | Description | Pictures |
InterProcessMssg.pbi Readme.txt |
Source code in PureBasic 4.40 for Inter Process SendMessage procedures (pbi/DLL). This has been my 2009 Christmas exercise. Free and with Source code. Happy 2010 to each PB programmer (direct link to PB source code - no html page) - see readme.txt file for more info | |
RdM_SignStrMon_Page |
Recently I involved myself in the task to try to connect a modem in an isolated house, far from wireless civilization. Basically I had to call the only cable phone line available in the "in the middle of nowhere house" from a laptop. The area was in a wood with a very week, if not null, signal. I had to: - find the way to extend the built in antenna of my modem to go around the house looking for the signal (rabdomante phase) - understand how to built a decent antenna to get the most of the "so to find" signal (rabdomante tool) - catch the variation of the signal with my erratic moves around the rooms. This had to be done with a minimal (if not null) expense. This is the result that I leave free (code and binary) for anyone to use and modify at his own pleasure (?:+) and risk ;D |
RdM_SignStrMon.jpg |
MathPad_Page | MathPad: a Plugin for the Open Source (free) Notepad++ (Npp) Text Editor - Renamed from anmXNpp (see below) to MathPad (to become Text Editor indipendent) FREEWARE. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK ;-) | |
Tracer_Page Command Line Help | Tracer: a program to debug DLL's A command line program to automatically add debug output code to PB souces. Written help to trace (and simply profile) programs that can not debugged in the PB IDE (es. dlls). Written in PureBasic 4.31 (x86) - (see www.purebasic.com). Code and binary are provided FREEWARE. Use and modify at YOUR OWN WISH and RISK. Sample code is provided. In addition an include file is provided with Enhanced Timer functions, usefull for code profiling. | |
anmCalc_Page | anmCalc: a calculator of complex math formulas It calculates and plots expressions, polynomials, integrals, matrices, derivatives, with a simple script language. It incorporates the math library aNuMet.dll (Array of Numerical Methods) a dll for numerical calculations, implementing 40+ math and matrix functions. Source code (poorly written and commented but not complex) for the tool and the parsing of the scripting language is provided. Dll link http://www.semelinanno.com/downloads/anumet/aNuMet_Page.html. Written in PureBasic 4.31 (x86) - (see www.purebasic.com). This program is FREEWARE. Necessary Disclaimer: use at your own risk. | |
anmXNpp_Page | anmXNpp: a Plugin for the Open Source (free) Notepad++ (Npp) Text Editor It transforms Npp (and other editors as soon as I've time to develop the relevant plugins) in a powerfull expression evaluator, simple to use and with many functions for numbers and matrices. FREEWARE It uses an parser of my 'famous' aNuMet.dll (the calculation engine - see aNuMet_Page below) all in one package. Complete sample files are included. - Written in PureBasic 4.30 (see www.purebasic.com) doesn't write anything outside the installation folder (no system changes). | |
aNuMet_Page | aNuMet: Array of Numerical Methods a DLL for numerical calculations (Replaces VBMatr.OCX discontinued) - Implements 40+ Matrix functions, including Determinant, Inverse, Division, Trasposed. Solves equation systems, calculates coefficients of polinomial curve, shows matrix elements, etc. Includes matrix and equation parser/solver/intergator/differentiation with variables and trigon functions plus other functions. - Written in PureBasic 4.30 (see www.purebasic.com) See .pbpt and .bas files for details. Very fast code. Sample code available in Visual Basic and PureBasic. - NOW FREEWARE. See Readme.txt and License.txt files. | |
UNICODE Npp_PBuc.pb Npp_PBuc.dll ANSI Npp_PBan.pb Npp_PBan.dll | Npp_PB.pb: Demo Plugin for Notepad++ (Npp - ANSI in PB 4.20 & UNICODE in PB 4.30 version) This is a Demo Plugin for the Notepad++ editor (both versions). It is released FREE (with no warranty. use at your own risk) to the PB community with the intent that moreplugins will be developed and added to the Npp collection and support Free Software. Installation: (as all the others Npp pulgins) Just copy the relevant dll (Npp_PBan.dll for ANSI and Npp_PBuc.dll for Unicode) in the plugins directory of Notepad++ and run Notepad++. Notepad++ is an award winning Open Source (Free) Text Editor written by Don with many features and Plugins it uses the same Scintilla component of the PB editor. see the Notepadd++ & Scintilla web sites for all the details related to the development. Notepad++ homepage at Notepad++ Scintilla homepage at Scintilla | |
aStEval_Page | aStEval: Matematical Script Parser and Evaluator (.anm) - A command line application with simple drawing capabilities that gets in input a mathematical script file and, using the library aNuMet.dll (see aNuMet_Page below) writes the results in an output file or shows basic graphs on the screen. For advanced users it offers additional command line options (double click on asteval.exe to see an extensive help or run asteval /w for the config form). - Written in PureBasic 4.20 (see www.purebasic.com) doesn't write anything outside the installation folder (no system changes). - The program is Freeware (provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind. Use it at your own risk) but the library must be registered (as TRIAL with some limited functionalities). | |
aExpEval Page |
aExpEval: Array of Expressions Evaluator - A sample program (aExpEval.exe) written in PureBasic using the library aNuMet.dll above. - User inputs expressions, polynomials, integrals, matrices and the program calculates and plots results. Samples inside. - Written in PureBasic 4.20 (see www.purebasic.com) doesn't write anything outside the installation folder (no system changes) - The program is Freeware (provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind. Use it at your own risk) but the library must be registered (as TRIAL with some limited functionalities). |
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MyChm.zip | MyChm: My Chm files launcher Program created to launch chm files from Notepad++ (see notepad++, a great text editor open source) with parameters searching for given keywords. - Freeware (provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind. Use it at your own risk). - Written in PureBasic 4.20 (see www.purebasic.com) doesn't write anything outside the installation folder (no system changes). ie. Very light weight executable, simply explode the zip file where you want and run it |
Release date: 4-may-2009 ZEN_txt2jpg.zip bmp2jpgdll_sample | ZEN_txt2jpg: text files parser and converter to jpg files (for viewing on portable media devices with limited file format support) - A small program I developed to read electronic files (books, articles, code,...) on media device (it is a Creative ZEN Vision:M with a nice 320 x 240 - 76 dpi colour LCD display but a limited file format support). - Currently it takes a text file in input (saved from a PDF, a DOC, or whatever) and converts it in a serie of jpg files, trying to give a readable picture, according to some configuration parameters. - It is usefull for big books (es 500+ pages) you can't (and you don't want) handle all the pages (es on airplanes, in the toilette, etc..). Freeware (provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind. Use it at your own risk). Notes: - This program was developed for myself for use with my ZEN Vision:M media player and comes with no documentation (and limited support). - If you like you can freely download it and explore it. If you are interested to the code, send me an email but pls do not ask for new features. - If you would like to add new features, I will be glad to send you the source code and I hope that you will send me a copy of your changes - It the program comes with: > a free Monospace font, called ProggyClean.ttf (see http://www.proggyfonts.com/) optimized for display readability. If you prefer a variable width font readable on screens, then use Verdana, probably the best. > a DLL (written in Purebasic 4.30 - x86) called bmp2jpg.dll, to convert bmp to jpg. It is a simple wrapper I wrote that exports a single function called ConvertBMP2JPG, so you can use it if you want (see sample VB6 code bmp2jpgdll_sample). I take no merit for it because it is totally based on Purebasic built in libraries. Unfortunately, even if jpg is a compressed format while Bitmap is not, jpg only supports 24 bit colour formats, consequently, Black&White bitmaps (1 bit color depth - very readable and battery saver) take less space than equivalent jpg files. If you know a way to have low bit jpg files, pls let me know. (requires VB6 runtime files) | ZEN_txt2jpg ZEN_txt2jpg_Config |
CtrlResizer_v030.zip (last rev. 5-oct-2006) |
CtrlResizer: Control Resizer - A VB module to automatically resize controls with forms and Child Forms with their MDI Forms. - Freeware (provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind. Use it at your own risk). - Sample code inVB 5/6 plus executable (requires VB runtime files) |
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ocxCDF_v124.zip CDF_Readme.txt |
CoDice Fiscale: Fiscal Code - An OCX for calculating the Italian Fiscal Code (National Unique Identification Number). - Freeware (provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind. Use it at your own risk). Sample code inVB. |
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Calendar.zip | Calendar: Calendar - A simple and fast calendar written in VB 3.0 (compatible with VB 5/6). - Freeware (provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind. Use it at your own risk). |
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pvatInfo_v104.zip | pvatInfo: Print Variable of Any Type Info - An ActiveX DLL Class to get the 'inner info' on any kind of VB variable, from byte to double, to string, simple or array. Inner info are: Pointer, Memory Address, variant or Array Structure/Bounds, Bytes, LenB, Values, Index... - Very sofisticate program, not for beginners. - Freeware (provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind. Use it at your own risk). | Picture |
FarView_v1056 FarView.txt |
FarView: Far Viewer A program to remotely view and partially control another PC via TCP/IP. Can simulate Client and Server App on one PC. Developed for remote support to SW users. See FarView.txt for Info. - Freeware (provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind. Use it at your own risk). |
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are simply the two programs developed for my thesis (the graduation
work) in Aeronautical Engineering at the University Politecnic of
Milano in the far 1994. At the time when the most of the programming
was still in the old dos, these are two executables I'm very proud of
(not so much value, you may say). See links for more details. | |
Other Downloads | Other download I like not all made available by me |