'aExpEval.pb: Expressions Evaluator 'Version: 'Calculates and plots expressions, polynomials, integrals, matrices 'Uses library anumet.dll (SHAREWARE) '-------------------------------------------------------------- 'Samples.txt file of aExpEval.exe program. 'This file contains information on syntax, keywords and operators for the program. 'Sample script is available pressing the [Samples] button. 'Comments are identified by this ' character (as in VB) and will be ignored 'Lines to be reported in the Output box start with '' 'KeyWords are case insensitive but space sensitive (es. 'Expr = 'is correct, while 'Expr=' is wrong). 'Wrong KeyWords will be ignored. 'Parameters' separator is ; 'Supported Functions and Operators '================================= 'Functions: abs, exp, fix, int, log, ln, log10, rnd=(Random(arg)), sgn, sqr 'Trigon Functions ' atan, sin, tan, cos, cosec, cotan, sec, arcsin, arccos, arcsec, arccos, arccotan 'Hyperbolic functions ' sinh, cosh, tanh, sech, cosech, cotanh, arcsinh, arccosh, arctanh, arcsech, arccosech, arccotanh 'Operators: and, eqv, imp, mod, not, or, xor 'Stat Functions: min, max, avg, sum, prod, sum2 (=sum^2), prod2 (=prod^2), stddev, count, geom_mean, median, mean 'Matrix Operators: det trace syst vcoeff (es. det([mA]) calculates the determinant of [mA]) 'Keywords & Syntax: (case insensitive) '====================================== ' aElemOrderEx() self detect way matrices are stored internally aElemOrderEx() ' Debug 0 = don't show Debug messages, 1 = show Debug messages Debug = 0 '' ================================ EXPRESSION EVALUATION ============================================================ ' Expr = calculate result of expression after 'Expr = ' ' used variables, functions, matrices and vectors must be defined before relevant Expr = ' Refer to Var = and Funct = instructions Expr = 12+sin(3)+sin(1*#to_rad)-Log(10)/(1.5+2^2.2) Expr = min(1;2;3;0.5)+avg(1;3;6)-median(1;3;45;70) 'some statistic '' *** This is a sample error expression. Error condition will be reported in the Output box. Expr = 12+sin(3)+sin(1*#to_rad-Log(10)/(1.5+2^2.2) ' Var = define and store a variable in memory (xx = 12) ' Funct = define and store a function expression in memory (Func1 = xx+yy) ' FunctF = read function expression from a text file and define and store in memory ' syntax: FunctF = FunctName InputFile.txt (comments lines are allowed, starting with ') Var = xx ; 12 'store in memory variable (xx = 12) Var = yy ; 2 'store in memory variable (yy = 2) Funct = Func1 ; xx+yy 'store in memory function expression (Func1 = xx+yy) Funct = Func2 ; xx-yy 'store in memory function expression (Func2 = xx-yy) FunctF = Func3 Funct3.txt 'read function expression from file Funct3.txt and define and store in memory as Func3 Expr = xx+ func1+func2+func3+sin(yy*#to_rad)-Log(10)/(1+yy^2) Expr = 12+ (12+2)+(12-2)+(12*2)+sin(2*0.017453)-Log(10)/(1+2^2) 'equivalent to previous '' *** This is a sample error expression (Fun123 is not defined). Error condition will be reported in the Output box. Expr = xx+ func1+func2+fun123+sin(yy*#to_rad)-Log(10)/(1+yy^2) ' ExprF = evaluate expression in a text file showing or writing the result in another text file (if present) ' Syntax: ExprF = InpFileName.txt [OutFileName.txt] (comments lines are allowed, starting with ') ExprF = Expr01.txt Res01.txt ' StoExpr(varName) = calculate result of expression after '=' and define and store result in variable varName StoExpr(zz) = 12+13-1 'calculate expression and store result in variable zz Expr = zz+1 'calculate expression zz+1 ' Plot(fromValue; variable; ToValue; Steps; [OutFileName.txt]) = expression 'Calculate and Plot a function of x after '=' for x from -100 to 100, with 200 steps, writing points to file OutFileName.txt (optional)." Plot(-100; x; 100; 200; Plot_01.txt) = 25000+12*x^2-ln(abs(x)) '' ================================ INTEGRATION & DERIVATION ============================================================ ' VarPolyn = define and store the variable after '=' ' Derivate = Derivate Polynomium after '=' (valid espressions: 3*x^2 and 3x^2) VarPolyn = x 'define and store variable of Polynomium defined in Derivate Derivate = 1+12*x-3*x^3+2x^4-5x^5 ' DerivateF = derivate polynomium in text file showing or writing the result in another file (if present) ' Syntax: DerivateF = InpFileName.txt [OutFileName.txt] (comments lines are allowed, starting with ') DerivateF = Polyn.txt [Polyn2.txt] ' Integrate() = Integration of the expression written after '=' ' Syntax: Integrate(fromValue; toValue; Steps; method; variable) = expression ' Methods: rect = Rectangular, trap = Trapezoidal Integrate(-10; 1000; 200; trap; x) = 1+12*x-x*sin(x)+2*x^2 ' IntegrateF = Integrate the expression in text file showing or writing the result in another file (if present) ' Syntax: IntegrateF = InpFileName.txt [OutFileName.txt] (comments lines are allowed, starting with ') IntegrateF = iFn1.txt [iFn2.txt] '' ================================ MATRIX CALCULATIONS ============================================================ ' calculate expressions of matrices. Must firstly define each matrix used. Can use expressions. ' Matr = define and store matrix in memory (can use expressions). Elements must be written by row. Separator is ; ' Syntax: Matr = Name;rows;cols;mB(0,0);mB(0,1);mB(0,2);... Matr = [mB]; 3; 3; 0; 1; 2; 1.2; 2.2; 3.2; 1; 2; 16.6866*Sin(0.5) Matr = [mC]; 3; 3; 1; 1; 4; 0; 3; 1; 4; 3; (3+2) Matr = [mD]; 4; 4; 3; 1; 4; 0; 2; 1; 4; 3; 5; 2; -1; -3; 9 ; -3 ; 2 ; 0 ' Vect = store Vector (can use expressions). Elements must be written by row. Separator is ; Vect = [vB]; 3; 0; 1; 2; 4 ' DimX = store matrix or vector (alternative method-can use expressions). Elements must be written by row DimX = mE(3,3); mE(0,0)=1; mE(0,1)=2 ; mE(0,2)=3 DimX = mE(3,3); mE(1,0)=0; mE(1,1)=-2; mE(1,2)=3 'definition 'Matr = mE(3,3)' has to be repeated DimX = mE(3,3); mE(2,0)=0; mE(2,1)=-8; mE(2,2)=4 'on each line ' MatrF/VectF = alternatively the matrix definition can be written in a file ' Syntax: MatrF = InpFileName.txt or VectF = InpFileName.txt. The 'Pick File...' button can be used to locate and insert the filename MatrF = Matr_mB.txt Expr = ([mB]*[mB]+2*[mC]*[mB]-[mC]^2) 'calculate expression ' ExprF = evaluate expression of matrices in a text file showing or writing the result in another text file (if present) ' Syntax: ExprF = InpFileName.txt [OutFileName.txt] (comments lines are allowed, starting with ') ExprF = m01Expr.txt m01Res.txt Expr = det([mE]) 'calculate determinant of [mE] defined above '' *** This is a sample error expression (mE123 is not defined). Error condition will be reported in the Output box Expr = det([mE123]) 'calculate determinant of [mE123] that is not defined, then will report an error ' StoExpr() = calculate expressions of matrices; define and store result in memory ' Syntax: StoExpr([mA]) = Epression of matrices StoExpr([mEi]) = [mE]I 'calculate Inverse of [mE] and store result in [mEi] in memory ' result can also be written in a text file ' Syntax: StoExpr([MatrName]; FileOut; FileName.txt) StoExpr([mEi]; FileOut; Matr_mEi.txt) = [mE]I 'calculate Inverse of [mE]; define and store result in [mEi] and in text file Matr_mEi.txt Expr = det([mEi]) 'calculate determinant of [mEi] Expr = [mEi]I 'calculate Inverse of [mEi] (=[mE]) Expr = det([mE]I) 'calculate determinant of Inverse of [mE] Expr = [mE]T 'calculate Transpose of [mE] Expr = [mE]D 'calculate Diagonal Matrix of [mE] ' Expr = Syst() calculate solutions of linear system {vX} = [A(rc,rc)]*{vB} (result is a vector). ' Takes TWO parameters separated by ';'-Accept expressions Expr = syst([mC];[vB]) Expr = syst((2*[mC]);[vB])+[vB] ' Expr = vcoeff() calculate vector of coefficients of Polynomial with rank 2 (3-1). ' i.e. solve the formula: {vB} = ([aX]T*[aX])^(-1)*([aX]T*{vY} (result is a vector). ' Takes THREE parameters separated by ';'-Accept expressions Expr = vcoeff([mC]; [vB]; 2) '[vB] vector of observed points Expr = vcoeff(([mC]+[mC]); [vB]; (3-1))