Syntax.txt file of aExpEval.exe program. This file contains information on syntax, keywords and operators for the program. Supported Functions and Operators ================================= Functions: abs, exp, fix, int, log, ln, log10, rnd=(Random(arg)), sgn, sqr Trigon Functions atan, sin, tan, cos, cosec, cotan, sec, arcsin, arccos, arcsec, arccos, arccotan Hyperbolic functions sinh, cosh, tanh, sech, cosech, cotanh, arcsinh, arccosh, arctanh, arcsech, arccosech, arccotanh Operators: and, eqv, imp, mod, not, or, xor Stat Functions: min, max, avg, sum, prod, sum2 (=sum^2), prod2 (=prod^2), stddev, count, geom_mean, median, mean Matrix Operators: det trace syst vcoeff (es. det([mA]) calculates the determinant of [mA]) Keywords & Syntax: (case insensitive) ====================================== aElemOrderEx() self detect way matrices are stored internally Debug 0 = don't show Debug messages, 1 = show Debug messages Expr = calculate result of expression after 'Expr = ' used variables, functions, matrices and vectors must be defines before relevant Expr = ExprSto(xx/[mA]) = calculate result of expression after '=' and store result in variable xx or matrix [mA] VarPolyn = store variable Derivate = Derivate Polynomium (valid espressions: 3*x^2 and 3x^2) Var = store variable (xx = 12) Funct = store function expression (Func1 = xx + yy) Matr = store matrix (can use expressions). Elements must be written by row Vect = store vector (can use expressions) DimX = store matrix or vector (alternative method - can use expressions). Elements must be written by row iFunct = store function expression to integrate Integrate() integrate iFunct with the given parameters, separated by comma.